Yuki Kanematsu

Operations Manager

Yuki Kanematsu joined Sozo Ventures in January 2022.

Her focus is on keeping the business development team working at maximum efficiency, and the office running smoothly. She also provides operational support for global startups expanding into Japan.

After university, she worked as an IT infrastructure engineer at IT Frontier, a joint venture between Mitsubishi Corporation and IBM Japan. She helped build IT network infrastructure for client’s global sites, including New York and London.

Thinking about how much learning English had broadened her horizons, Yuki decided she wanted to help rural kids like herself, so she enrolled at the University of Sussex, where she got a Master’s in English Language Teaching. She then joined a learning & development team at ABeam Consulting, a global consulting firm headquartered in Japan, where she managed programs teaching leadership and business skills in Japan, China, Malaysia, Thailand and Singapore.

Yuki graduated from Kumamoto University with a BA in Literature. While there, she spent much of her free time managing the university’s orchestra and practicing on the French horn. When she moved to Tokyo, however, she had to put the brass instrument away, because it was too loud for her Tokyo neighbors. She and her daughter now play violin together.

    US office
    10 California Street, Redwood City, CA 94063
    Japan office
    Shin-Maru Bldg. 10F, 1-5-1 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 100-6510
